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Chapter Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - September 16, 2020

In Attendance:

Gail L. Abbott
William Barbour
Jennifer Cable
Brandon Groseclose
Brian Harmon
Remi Sojak
Charles Spencer
David Tanner

The meeting was called to order via Zoom by Gail Abbott at Noon.

The minutes of the June meeting were approved.

The August meeting was educational only, no business; CE registration and credit was handled by VASEA.

A motion was made by Charles to continue our website. The costs are $225 for the website hosting, which need to be paid, and $192.99 for the domain name and other costs which will be reimbursed to Charles. It was approved.

Since our October continuing education date is in conflict with the NATP education date, we will be tentatively moving the October meeting date to October 7. We will let everybody know if this is the final date.

The minutes were taken by David Tanner in the absence of Becky Donehew.

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Meeting Minutes - May 26, 2021

In Attendance:

Gail L Abbott
William Barbour
Jennifer Cable
Brandon Groseclose
Jessica Smith
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
Lorris Knox Wimberly

The Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society for Enrolled Agents met via Zoom on May 26. 2021 at 1 pm.

It was noted before the meeting began that Jessica Smith will be moving to Hawaii. We will miss her.

The meeting was called to order by Gail Abbott, President.

A motion was made by Charles Spencer to approve the minutes of the last meeting (September 16, 2020). Knox Wimberley seconded. The motion was approved.

The treasurer reported the balance of our account, with one undeposited check, and 4 unpaid members.

The Education Committee reported a need for topic suggestions and speaker volunteers. David Tanner will send out an email asking for suggestions. A suggestion was also made to begin live meetings again for our monthly meetings with the education live and on zoom. This suggestion was agreed to beginning in June. Knox Wimberley will be the speaker for June and it will be a 2 hour topic.

Gail Abbott and Knox Wimberley will develop a survey that will be sent out to the membership to get suggestions on how we can better serve our members.

There were no more topics to discuss so the meeting was adjourned at 1:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

David Tanner
Acting Secretary

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Meeting Minutes - June 16, 2021

In Attendance:

Gail L Abbott
William Barbour
Rebecca Donehew
Brian Harmon
Michael Harrison
Charles Spencer
Knox Wimberly

Paul Donehew

The June meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke, VA.

The meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Gail Abbott

A motion was made and seconded to approve the May 26, 2021 meeting minutes as posted on the web site. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion was held on future education.
Financial report was given. Members were reminded about dues.

The educational portion began at 12:15 and was presented by Knox Wimberly on Crypto Update, the Program concluded at 2:00 p.m. with 2 hours of CE education for those in attendance the entire program. QSRNU-T-00490-21-1

Our next meeting is scheduled for August 18 at Famous Anthony's Williamson Road Roanoke, VA. This will be a 2 hour presentation on ethics.

Rebecca Donehew

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Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents
P. O. Box 2873
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 723-5888
Web site:
National Association of Enrolled Agents National Association of Enrolled Agents
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-3953
Telephone: (202) 822-6232
Toll Free: (855) 880-6232
© 2002-2021 Blue Ridge Chapter Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents