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Chapter Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - December 18, 2019

In Attendance:

Mary Adkins
William Barbour
Gunther Greimel
Brandon Groseclose
Brian Harmon
Benny Montgomery
Jessica Smith
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
Lorris Wimberly - Instructor
Anne Wood

Jeremiusz Sojka

The December 18, 2019 meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke VA. The meeting was called to order at 12 Noon by David Tanner.

Motion was made (Spencer) and seconded (Barbour) to approve the October, motion passed unanimously.

Jennifer Cable, EA was volunteered to provide the January educational program.

It was noted the Chapter dues of $25 will be due January 1.

The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of Officers and Directors for two year terms:

President - Gail Abbott, EA (Two Year Term)
Vice President - Michael Harrison, EA
Secretary - Rebecca Donehew, EA
Treasurer - Gunther Greimel, EA
Director - William D. Barbour, EA, MBA
Director - Benny R. Montgomery, EA
Director - Charles R. Spencer, EA

A motion was made to accept the above by acclamation; there being no objection, the candidates were elected.

The following positions were also approved.

Public Relations contact - Michael Harrison, EA
Education Committee - Jennifer Cable, EA

Knox Wimberly announced VASEA has plans to begin providing Webinar CE around mid-year.

Knox also noted VASEA was holding a Virginia Legislative Day and anyone interested should sign up ASAP.

The education portion of the meeting began at 12:30 PM with Knox Wimberly presenting a program on "What is happening at the IRS lately?" His program concluded at 1:40 PM. One (1) hour of CPE will be awarded to all who remained the full hour and signed the sign-in sheet.

The January meeting will be held at Famous Anthony's Roanoke with Jennifer Cable presenting. The topic to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 1:41 PM.

Charles Spencer, Substitute Secretary

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Meeting Minutes - January 15, 2020

In Attendance:

Gail L Abbott
William Barbour
Jennifer Cable
Rebecca Donehew
Gunther Greimel
Brandon Groseclose
Brian Harmon
Tammie Lewison
Marianne Sadler
Jessica Smith
David Tanner
John Webb
Lorris Wimberly

Clarissa Campbell
Teresa Meadows
Heather Maheu-Muller
Jeremiusz Sojka

The January meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke, VA. The meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Gail Abbott.

Approval was needed for previous minutes, a motion was made by David Tanner and approved unanimously.

Welcomed our New Chapter President, Gail Abbott.
Gail suggested to move our April meeting from the 15th to the 22nd. All approved. Meeting is scheduled for April 22nd at Famous Anthony's 460 location.
A decision was made to have a communications back up. Brandon Groseclose volunteered. All approved.
Treasurer report: Gunther Greimel reminded everyone of membership dues. Gave an update on the financials.

The educational portion began at 12:15 and was presented by Jennifer Cable "The Secure Act", the Program concluded at 1:20. 1 hour of CPE will be awarded. QSRNU-T-00435-20-1

Rebecca Donehew, Secretary

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Meeting Minutes - June 17, 2020

In Attendance:

Gail L Abbott
William Barbour
Jennifer Cable
Brian Harmon
Tammie Lewison
Marianne Sadler
Jessica Smith
Remi Sojak
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
John Webb

Clarissa Campbell

The June meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held via ZOOM with the help of Heather Greenwell, VASEA administrator. The meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Gail Abbott.

A motion was made to approve the January minutes by Charles Spencer and seconded by Jennifer Cable. Motion passed by acclamation.

Discussion of when to hold in person meetings was left that we would review at each video conference when we could next hold in person meeting. Variables include such regulations as Famous Anthony’s is comfortable with, and the progress of vaccines and treatment for COVID-19.

Jennifer reported for the education committee that using the platform Knox Wimberly has been gracious enough to allow VASEA to use is working well for chapter education, and that she would be using it for today’s education. She asked for suggestions for topics for coming months and for volunteers to facilitate the education. Knox’s presentation for Ethics was well received last year, and there was great enthusiasm for asking him to do two hours on ethics again this year. Gail offered to present a program to be determined later sometime after August. Jennifer is going to email David a notice to go to membership asking for suggestions for topics and volunteers to present topics.

No further business was discussed. Meeting was adjourned with education to begin at 12:30 on webinar platform.

Gail L Abbott

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Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents
P. O. Box 2873
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 723-5888
Web site:
National Association of Enrolled Agents National Association of Enrolled Agents
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-3953
Telephone: (202) 822-6232
Toll Free: (855) 880-6232
© 2002-2019 Blue Ridge Chapter Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents