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Chapter Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - December 16, 2015

In Attendance:

Rebecca Donehew
Gunther Greimel
Brian E Harmon
Michael G Harrison
Benny Montgomery
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
John Webb

Gail L. Abbott
Wayne Breeden
Paul Donehew

The December 16 2015 meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke VA. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 Noon by David Tanner.

Motion was made by Charles Spencer to accept the meeting minutes from Octobers' meetings seconded by Gunther Greimel. Approved and accepted.

Announcement for upcoming education with Ley Mills speaking on new tax reporting procedures.

Elections were held and all officers will continue in their present positions for a 2 year term. The positions being that of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 directors.

The education portion began at 12:54 PM with Benny Montgomery speaking on Net Operating Loss and how it is handled on the tax return. One hour of CPE will be awarded for this meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM

Rebecca Donehew

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Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2016

In Attendance:

William Barbour
Rebecca Donehew
Brian Harmon
Michael G Harrison
Donald Houck
Nancy Lynch
Benny Montgomery
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
Ann Wood

Gail L Abbott
Belinda L Carter
Paul Donehew

The January 20 2016 meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke VA. The meeting was called to order at12:00 Noon by David Tanner.

Motion was made to pay the amount due for additional maintenance of the BRCEA website by William Barbour and second by Nancy Lynch.

The education portion of the meeting began at 1:05 PM with Ley Mills presenting a program on Automated Underreporter vs Correspondence Examination, W-2 Verification Code Pilot, and Offer in Compromise. Discussion followed with discussion, questions and answers. The program concluded at 2:06 PM. One hour (1) of CPE was awarded.

Meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM.

Rebecca Donehew

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Meeting Minutes - April 20, 2016

In Attendance:

Mary G Adkins
William D Barbour
Gunther Greimel
Brian E Harmon
Michael G Harrison
Benny Montgomery
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
Anne T Wood

Gail L Abbott
Belinda Carter
Jeremy Lassiter
Richard Turner

The April 20, 2016 meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held at Famous Anthony's in Roanoke VA. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 Noon by David Tanner.

Gail Abbott asked the Education Committee members and others interested to remain after the meeting to discuss training for 2016.

David Tanner reminded everyone that dues were due January 1.

The rest of the meeting was a general discussion of filing season issues. No CPE was awarded for this informal meeting.

Motion was made by Charles Spencer to accept the meeting minutes from October's meetings seconded by Gunther Greimel. Approved and accepted.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Note: The next meeting will be held at Ippy's Restaurant and Lounge in Rocky Mount and will be led by Richard E. Turner and the topic will be Tax Consequences of Business Plans.

Charles R. Spencer
Acting Secretary

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Tax laws are subject to change at any time. Consult your local Enrolled Agent for the latest information.

Please Note: This information is provided to you by the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents for use as general guidance. The Chapter is not engaged in rendering specific legal, tax, or accounting advice. Only a qualified tax professional with all the facts at his or her disposal can determine the appropriateness of the application of any law to a given set of facts.

Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents
P. O. Box 2873
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 723-5888
Web site:
National Association of Enrolled Agents National Association of Enrolled Agents
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-3953
Telephone: (202) 822-6232
Toll Free: (855) 880-6232
© 2002-2019 Blue Ridge Chapter Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents