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Chapter Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - September 19, 2007

In Attendance:

Mary Adkins
William D. Barbour
Gregg Countryman
Jim Dishman
Rebecca Donehew
Don Houck
Fritz Greimel
Michael Harrison
Nancy Lynch
Benny Montgomery
David R. Tanner
Sharon Tabor Warren

Gail Abbot
Paul Donehew
Larry McNeil

The September meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held on Wednesday, September 19th, 2007, at Famous Anthony’s, Williamson Road, in Roanoke.

President Rebecca Donehew called the meeting to order at 12:25. She announced the October meeting would be at Sunnybrook Inn on Plantation Road. The buffet lunch will be $10 plus tip. No CPE has been determined. There will be no meeting in November because of NCPE. Rebecca hopes to have a speaker from Virginia Tax on the subject of 2007 updates. The tentative date for the December meeting is the 12th, a week earlier than usual to avoid conflicts with the holidays, but will also depend on the schedule of the speaker.

David Tanner reported on the current balance in the bank, and said he still has bills to pay for the website. Attendees were again reminded that annual chapter dues of $15 were due July 1st. Checks should be made payable to Blue Ridge Chapter and mailed to David Tanner, 5007 Carriage Drive, Suite G-1, Roanoke 24018.

David further noted that he’d received no information on the sales of Quickfinders and The Tax Books and suggested we order direct. For society membership discounts use the codes found at or Ordering direct will also eliminate our need to pick books up from David or his need to arrange delivery of them.

Questions were asked about the VASEA 25th Anniversary Cruise in September 2008 to Bermuda. Rebecca had no details other than those included in the newsletter. See also

Sharon Tabor Warren gave a Membership Report and noted three new members of VASEA who are in the greater BRC area have been contacted and invited to attend chapter meetings.

Lunch was served and following the meal at 12:45, Benny began his presentation on Ethics. It was an eye-opening and informative review of how the exposure and liability of tax practitioners has increased since May of this year. There was lively discussion about how we might address the issues with our clients, the need to increase our fees for the need to increase our diligence and other related topics. The presentation ended at 1:45 and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Tabor Warren, EA

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Meeting Minutes - October 17, 2007

In Attendance:

Mary Adkins
William D. Barbour
Gregg Countryman
Rebecca Donehew
Fritz Greimal
Don Houck
Nancy Lynch
Benny Montgomery
Charles Spencer
David R. Tanner
Sharon Tabor Warren

Gail Abbot Paul Donehew

The September meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held on Wednesday, October 17th, 2007, at Sunnybrook Inn in Roanoke.

President Rebecca Donehew called the meeting to order at 12:00. She immediately presented Fritz Greimal with his 15-year pin.

David Tanner reported on the current balance in the bank, said he has paid the website bill and reimbursed Charles Spencer for a speaker’s meal since the prior report. Several people have not paid 2007-08 dues and he will contact them privately. Charles reminded everyone that if dues are not paid, they will be removed from the website. David also suggested Tax Books and Quickfinders be ordered individually. Charles indicated he has added codes for discounts to the September minutes.

Becky announced the December 12th meeting will be at Sunnybrook Inn. She has not yet obtained a speaker from the Virginia Department of Tax but the date may be changed to accommodate one. There will be no meeting in November because of NCPE and Virginia Tech seminars. The January 18th meeting will be presented by Benny Montgomery on the topic of Preparer Penalties.

A roundtable discussion regarding preparer penalties ensued. No CPE is available.

Sharon Tabor Warren gave a Membership Report and noted three new members of VASEA who are in the greater BRC area have been contacted and invited to attend chapter meetings.

Lunch was eaten and following the meal at 1:10, Becky began her presentation on Schedule C Losses as Possible Tax Abuse. The IRS has conducted a review and determined tax avoidance is in excess of $2.5 billion for 1.2 million taxpayers. It is an area that will be more closely scrutinized. Sharon Tabor Warren referred to an article in the Lynchburg paper that quoted Virginia Tax on the requirement for flea market vendors and others to comply with state sales tax issues. Becky’s presentation ended at 1:40. CPE for the day will be .5 hours.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Tabor Warren, EA

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Meeting Minutes - December 12, 2007

In Attendance:

Bill Barbour
Rebecca Donehew
Fritz Greimel
Benny Montgomery
Charles Spencer
David Tanner
Nancy Lynch
Ann Wood
Heather Muller
Faye Holland

Gail Abbott Paul Donehew

The December meeting of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents was held on Wednesday, December 12th, 2007, at The Plantation on Sunnybrook (old Sunnybrook Inn) in Roanoke.

President Rebecca Donehew called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.

Old Business:
Rebecca Donehew asked if the financial reports had been submitted to the State office and some discussion among the members determined the reports had not been sent for the quarter ending December 31, but needed to be sent to the State on time. David Tanner indicated they would be sent on time.

New business:
Benny Montgomery is doing the program on ethics for January's meeting. Benny mentioned the IRS has changed the way hours for ethics are being counted - on a calendar year basis. The hour of ethics in January will count for those needing hours for either 2007 or 2008.

Charles had a question about whether the ethic hours would count for CPAs and Benny said it would count for one hour. Benny pointed out that repeat classes would not count for additional hours. Charles indicated he would verify through VASEA if the hours counted for CPAs.

Rebecca presented the highlights on Virginia updates pointing out several changes for the 2007 filing season. Charles brought up the subject of Fixed Date Conformity - how Virginia has not conformed through December 31, 2007 yet; we should each take a look at the provisions of the Small Business Act of 2007, as a guideline in filing Virginia returns.

Bill Barbour provided some copies of a letter on how to dismiss a client, a sample engagement letter, and some pages of a recent NSTP newsletter article on cases where tax preparers were punished by fines and prison time for aiding or assisting in preparing false income tax returns.

Charles gave an update on the information he obtained from the recent NATP tax seminar.

There was some discussion that our next meeting may be at Anthony's, but this was not confirmed.

The meeting adjourned at 1:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,

William D. Barbour
Acting Secretary

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Tax laws are subject to change at any time. Consult your local Enrolled Agent for the latest information.

Please Note: This information is provided to you by the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents for use as general guidance. The Chapter is not engaged in rendering specific legal, tax, or accounting advice. Only a qualified tax professional with all the facts at his or her disposal can determine the appropriateness of the application of any law to a given set of facts.

Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents Virginia Society of Enrolled Agents
P. O. Box 2873
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 723-5888
Web site:
National Association of Enrolled Agents National Association of Enrolled Agents
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-3953
Telephone: (202) 822-6232
Toll Free: (855) 880-6232
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